Spooky eyes that follow a person coming for trick-or-treating (draft video from 2023)

I cover object detection in ml5.js with the COCO-SSD pre-trained model.
Reference for the real-time ml5 object detector system using either YOLO or CocoSsd model.
Information about the COCO-SSD object detection model and the COCO dataset.
Website where you can search the contents of the COCO dataset
Description of the 2020 keypoint detection task.
COCO-Stuff augments all 164K images of the popular COCO [2] dataset with pixel-level stuff annotations.
Philipp Schmitt's editorial essay on artificial intelligence and the human effort that went into creating the training dataset.
Article by Kate Crawford and Trevor Paglen that explores why the automated interpretation of images is an inherently social and political project
Object Detection (coco-ssd) Model on tensorflow.js Models GitHub Repository.
List of Classes Available in COCO Dataset (ml5.js)
Eevee Mango & Greta Goose Instagram
In this video I cover pose estimation: finding the keypoints of person's pose and skeleton using the pre-trained machine learning model PoseNet.
An exploration of the beauty of Worley noise.
by Mathieu Blanchette
by Jason Heglund
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